8 Tampilan Trisha Eungelica, Putri Pertama Ferdy Sambo dan Putri Candrawathi yang Jago Makeup 


{ return logEvent(analytics, key, val) }, fetchAndActivate: fetchAndActivate, getValue: (key) => { return getValue(key) } } ]]> x != “”); }; window.GAMLibrary = {}; window.GAMLibrary = { gamImmersive: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/IMMERSIVE’, gamTopFrame: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/TOP_FRAME’, gamBottomFrame: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/BOTTOM_FRAME’, gamSkinad: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/SKINAD’, gamBillboard: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/MASTHEAD’, gamShowcase: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/SHOWCASE’, gamHalfpage1: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/HALFPAGE_1’, gamHalfpage2: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/HALFPAGE_2’, gamLeaderboard: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/LEADERBOARD’, gamBalloon: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/BALLOON’, gamOrganicFeedCRM1: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/ORGANIC_FEED_CRM_1’, gamOrganicFeedCRM2: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/ORGANIC_FEED_CRM_2’, gamOrganicFeedCRM3: ‘/36504930/KLY/DESKTOP/FIMELA.COM/ORGANIC_FEED_CRM_3’, tags: ”, documentMeta: function(metaName) { var metaResult = ”; var metas = document.getElementsByTagName(‘meta’); if (metas) { for (var x = 0, y = metas.length; x 0) { if (matchString = new RegExp(“\b(” + subKeywordList.join(“|”) + “)\b”, “ig”).exec(siteContentText)) { bsKeyword.push(bsKey); } } } if (bsKeyword.length > 0) { googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“bsKeyword”, bsKeyword); /*Temporary preserve the previous brand safety targeting*/ googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“isMatcont”, isMatcont); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“brandsafety”, isViolateBrandSafety); } }, onMessageReceivedGPTUpdateCreativeStyle: function() { this.onMessageReceivedGetStyle = function(e) { /** filter only correct origin and setStyle command */ if (!(e.origin.match(/safeframe.googlesyndication.com/ig)) || typeof e.data !== ‘object’ || typeof e.data.id !== ‘string’ || e.data.cmd !== ‘setStyle’ || typeof e.data.params !== ‘object’ ) { return; } /* remove # character from id, we don’t use jquery*/ var elementId = e.data.id.replace(/#/, “”); var wrapperEl = document.getElementById(elementId); if (wrapperEl === null) { return; } var elements = [wrapperEl]; /*target on KLY authorized element child ( div and iframe ) */ if (typeof e.data.query === ‘string’ && e.data.query) { let el = null; if (el = e.data.query.match(/(div|iframe)/ig)) { elements = wrapperEl.querySelectorAll(el.join(“, “)); } } /** target on KLY authorized attribute ( display, heigth, width ) */ elements.forEach(function(element) { Object.keys(e.data.params).forEach(function(param) { let allowedAttr = [‘display’, ‘height’, ‘width’]; allowedAttr.indexOf(param) > -1 ? 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pbjs.bidderSettings = { taboola: {storageAllowed: true} } pbjs.que = pbjs.que || []; googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; /** END – PREBID INIT, CONFIGURATION & GOOGLE INIT */ /** LOAD PREBID – END */ /* DMP CATEGORY LIST */ window.createDMPTracker = function(adsCatList, dfpTracker, macro) { window.createCDPTracker(adsCatList, macro); parent.window.open(dfpTracker, ‘_blank’); }; window.createCDPTracker = function(cat, macro) { var cName = ‘ahoy_visitor=’, cVisitorId = document.cookie.split(‘;’).find(v => { return v.match(cName); }), partnerUID = cVisitorId ? decodeURIComponent(cVisitorId).trim().replace(cName, ”) : 0, gamMacro = typeof macro === “string” ? 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