The 11 Best Press-on Nail Kits for an Instant Fall Manicure, Tested by Editors
If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, WWD may receive an affiliate commission. Updated September 9, 2024: This article on the best press-on nails was updated with fall nail designs and addition editor testing reviews. We are currently testing additional press-on nails from brands like Dashing Diva for…
5 Tips an Esthetician Wants You to Know
There’s always something new to learn in the world of skin care. And while you can find plenty of valuable insight online—even if you’ve been a beauty enthusiast for as long as you can remember—the drudgery of sifting through contradictory advice on forums or finding a truly trustworthy content creator on social media can be…
Bridal beauty guide: 9 essential skincare tips for a perfect wedding glow
Bridal beauty guide: 9 essential skincare tips for a perfect wedding glow | Fashion Trends – Hindustan Times = 2 && matches[1].length > 0) { profileVersionId = ‘/’ + matches[1]; } } var wtads = document.createElement(‘script’); wtads.defer = true; wtads.type = ‘text/javascript’; wtads.src = url + profileVersionId + ‘/pwt.js’; var node = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0]; node.parentNode.insertBefore(wtads, node);…
Hong Kong racing tips: Jim McGrath with three selections at Sha Tin on Sunday
Beauty Waves6.50 Sha Tin2pts winFamily Jewel9.35 Sha Tin2pts winMaster Mastermind10.10 Sha Tin2pts winTrainer Pierre Ng hopes to start the new season as he means to carry on, sending out lightly weighted Beauty Waves to win the 6f HKSAR Chief Executive’s Cup (6.50), the feature of an interesting ten-race card at Sha Tin.Admittedly, the Irish import…
13 Simple Eye Makeup Tips to Shave Years Off Your Face
Share this post or pin it for later! As you age, thin eyelashes, dark undereye circles, and sagging skin can make creating a flattering daily makeup look challenging. Eye makeup can remedy these concerns, but if used incorrectly, it will only make them much more obvious. These clever eye makeup tips and tricks will make…
The Best Beauty Tips and Products for Every Zodiac Sign During Virgo Season, According to an Astrologer
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The 25 Best Skin Care Products Of 2024, Hands Down
The skin care winners of this year’s awards made our judges feel like their bathrooms had turned into a chic medspa. Innovative textures, potent formulations, unique new ingredients, and jaw-dropping results that had us grabbing our phones for some before and after photos to verify the effects had us convinced that we were witnessing a…
‘The man cave of the face’: The modern man’s grooming guide
There is an abyss between low-key upkeep and self-obsessed grooming. Our guide allows you to find the level that works for you and craft a perfect balance between minimal and polished.For example, seeing a dental hygienist is minimal; getting teeth whitened is polished. Teeth should be professionally whitened by your dentist initially, then maintained with…
Rihanna Goes Makeup-Free in New Photos and Shares Skincare Tip: ‘Put That Sunscreen on, Baby!’
Rihanna Goes Makeup-Free and Shares Skincare Tip in Fenty Skin Photos { e.preventDefault(); Mntl.utilities.loadExternalJS( externalJS , () => { Mntl.CMP.onSdkLoaded(() => { OneTrust.ToggleInfoDisplay(); }) }); }, { once: true }); }); Mntl.CMP.init({ isConsentRequired: true, oneTrustTemplateName: ‘ccpa’, showConsentBanner: false, isCcpaApplicableRequest: false, isTcfEnabled: true, scriptTimeout: 3000 }); })(); window.Mntl = window.Mntl || {}; Mntl.RTB = Mntl.RTB ||…
3D Chrome Swirls, Black French Tips, & More Nail Art Ideas That Are So Virgo
Whether they like it or not, Leo’s reign is officially over — and in their place, the Virgos of the world are ready to shine from Aug. 23 to Sept. 22.While Leos are bold and love being the center of attention, Virgos are known for their practicality and attention to detail. This earth sign is…
I Hate to Break It to You, But These 5 Pedicure Trends Feel a Bit “Dated” Now
Let me preface this article by saying that although I like to advise on beauty trends, I truly believe in wearing whatever lipstick, hairstyle or nail polish you want if it makes you feel good. In my opinion, there are no rules when it comes to beauty. Instead, it’s all about finding what works for…
Expert shares top tips to remove fake tan from your bed sheets
An expert has revealed an easy way to remove fake tans from sheets. Many of us now know the safest way to get a tan is out of a bottle. Even skin that doesn’t peel or show signs of burning can sustain damage if it darkens under the sun’s rays beyond its natural colour. The…
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Dolly Parton Revealed “Glamorous” News About Her Next Career Venture
Dolly Parton is adding one more job to her ever-growing résumé: beauty mogul. The country music icon has been known to dabble in many different business ventures, including acting, writing books and even partnering with an iconic kitchenware brand. But on August 13, Dolly surprised her fans by revealing she’s getting into the beauty industry…