Deepika Padukone is gearing up for her next movie, Pathaan, and also attending parties and events, which means long hours in heavy makeup and not enough sleep. But the actor is not letting her skincare routine suffer. On Friday, Deepika Padukone took to Instagram Reels to share her beauty secret that keeps her face fresh – a cleanser from her new skincare brand 82E. Fans reacted to Deepika’s video, with many praising her makeup-free skin, and saying she was ‘glowing’ even without any makeup on. Also read: Fans are impressed as Deepika Padukone shows her makeup-free, filterless skin in new video
In a video she shared, Deepika is seen lathering a cleanser from her brand all over her makeup-free face, and speaking about how she uses it to quickly rejuvenate her skin. Wearing a brown tank top, she explained her ‘cleansing routine’. She applied the product on her face and neck for ‘about a minute’. After washing her face, she observed it in mirror, and said, “Feels very, very hydrated, does not feel dry… (skin) feels plump.”
“Cleansing is one of the most essential pillars of my skincare routine. Here’s how I do it: I take two pumps of Lotus Splash face cleanser, massage gently on my face and neck and pat dry for clean, hydrated and healthy skin. Enriched with lotus extract and bioflavonoids, it helps remove oil, dust and dirt and makes me feel refreshed,” Deepika captioned her video on Instagram. Reacting to her video, a fan wrote, “She doesn’t need makeup… flawless.” Another one commented, “You are very beautiful even without makeup.” Others left comments like ‘glowing’ and ‘gorgeous’.
This is far from the first time Deepika has credited a product from her new brand for her smooth skin. Last year, after the actor launched her skincare brand 82E, she featured in a video for the same. Her makeup artist Sandhya Shekhar was seen using products from Deepika’s brand on the actor’s face. The video was shot ahead of Deepika’s appearance at FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, where she had unveiled the trophy before the final match between Argentina and France. The box for the trophy was designed by Louis Vuitton, of which Deepika is an international ambassador.
Deepika will be soon seen in Pathaan alongside Shah Rukh Khan. The action film, which also stars John Abraham, will be released in theatres on January 25. It is directed by Siddharth Anand. Deepika also has Project K, which has been simultaneously shot in Telugu and Hindi languages, and marks her Telugu film debut. The movie also stars Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan.