Pathaan co-actors Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone recently got together for a morning skincare routine before they stepped out for the film’s first-ever press meet. A video of the same was shared on social media by Deepika.
“Today you are getting ready with me,” says Deepika in the video and soon she is joined by SRK, who says, “I also want to get ready with you.” The video has the two stars using various products from Deepika’s skincare brand 82°E. The two first cleanse their face with a cleanser and then Deepika suggests to Shah Rukh to “hydrate hydrate”.
Deepika tells Shah Rukh to drink a lot of water, stressing upon the word ‘water’. On this, Shah Rukh quips, “You can mix whatever you like to in the water as long as there is a lot of water.” The Pathaan star then praises Deepika’s skincare products and she tells him that his daughter Suhana Khan will be happy that he is finally following a skincare routine.
After doing the entire process, Deepika tells King Khan that she hopes his wife Gauri Khan and his children watch this video. He says, “I hope when I go home, they recognise me.”
Deepika shared the video with the caption, “It is no secret that I started my career with this handsome man [read @iamsrk] and that we have now done four movies together! But getting ready and going through our skincare routine together was a whole other level of fun!”
The video received a lot of funny comments. A fan wrote, “ISI agent teaching a RAW agent skin care .” Sophie Choudry wrote, “Ok this is just too cute️️.” Many SRK fans found him to be too cute, “Yaaar how cute is SRK🥹️.” Some fans were impressed with Deepika’s marketing strategy for her products, “The best promotion she has ever done for promoting her products .”
Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan are currently basking in the success of their film Pathaan. It is on its way to enter the Rs 900 crore club worldwide.