Hints from Heloise: Makeup tips for brides and bridesmaids


Dear Heloise: Our world is changing rapidly, and now there are so many more subjects that students need to cover. But we still cling to the outdated notion that school needs to start at 8 a.m. and get out at around 3 p.m. Then there are the spring and winter breaks, which are totally unnecessary. Would the world come to a halt if we granted students only one month off in the summer?

I know that these ideas will not be popular with students, but maybe it’s time that we got stricter with our students and stopped letting them dictate what they will and won’t do in school. On the world stage, our American students are doing poorly in far too many subjects. There are a number of countries that spend less on education and get better results. Perhaps we should study what it is they’re doing right and what it is we’re doing wrong. We should give teachers more authority over their class and each student.

We’ve gotten very lazy about demanding more from our kids. Parents need to back the teacher and stop listening to excuses when their children are failing a subject. Care enough about your children to demand a better education for them. — M.W., in Washington

M.W., lately, I’ve gotten a number of letters from readers all over the country, complaining that their children are not learning in school and are showing little interest in education. So, readers, tell us … what are your opinions on this subject? — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I work as a makeup artist and do a lot of weddings. I see so many brides who overdo their makeup with mistakes that make them look a bit garish. They want to stand out in photographs, but in that endeavor, they apply makeup with a very heavy hand. Below I’ve listed a few hints to help the bride and her bridesmaids look happy, healthy, and a bit more natural:

  • Don’t close your eyes when applying eye makeup. Blend your eye shadow well to get a more natural look.
  • Want to put on false eyelashes? Try something natural-looking. Heavy eyelashes will actually make your eyes appear smaller.
  • Blend your blush back into your hairline. If you’re in doubt about where to place the blush, smile when looking into the mirror, apply the blush, then blend, blend, blend!
  • Use a foundation that closely matches your skin tone. If you use a highlighter under your eyes, be sure to use a light hand and, as always, blend well. I’ve seen too many brides with white rings around their eyes.
  • If you start to perspire and you need to remove that shine, blot your face with a clean tissue. Never wipe off the oil and dampness because you’ll push all that bacteria into your pores, which causes your skin to break out. — Jennifer S., Miami


Dear Heloise: Like a lot of folks, I used to receive tons of personalized mailing labels from the agencies that I’m associated with. They no longer do this, so rather than buy labels, I keep a few originals and copy them for my use. I attach them to my mailing envelopes with clear tape, and it works out very well. — B.H., in Colorado


Dear Readers: Going outside? Don’t forget your sunblock. Protect yourself from the harmful rays that can damage your skin. — Heloise

SEND A GREAT HINT TO: Heloise@Heloise.com

(c) 2024 by King Features Syndicate Inc.

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