Makeup artist shares eye makeup mistake women 40+ should avoid

How to look younger: ‘Old fashioned’ eye makeup women 40+ should avoid |

Artfully applying eyeshadow can open the eyes and lift the face, but not if you use the wrong eye shadow colours or techniques.

14:43, Mon, Jan 30, 2023 | UPDATED: 14:43, Mon, Jan 30, 2023

makeup women over 40

Old fashioned’ eye makeup women over 40 need to avoid as it ‘ages you instantly’ (Image: GETTY)

Applying eyeshadow can seem daunting for older women, but makeup artist Bryony Blake has shared her top tips to ensure it is applied successfully and enhances facial features rather than adding a few years on. 

During an appearance on This Morning, Bryony said: “Eyes are really important, and this is where people get worried, or shy or don’t know what to do. 

“As you can see, Fiona has got quite sunken eyes, rather than a hooded eye, so it’s really important to keep the eye lifted and light. 

“We’re going to go in with a lighter eyeshadow colour, a shimmer first of all, and I’m going to take that into the inner corner of the eye to lift. 

“Blend it, you don’t have to be an expert at eyeshadow,” she remarked. 

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bryony blake makeup

Bryony applied a matt brown across the lid and above the eye bone toward the brow (Image: ITV THIS MORNING)

“Then I’m going to take a brown tone – try and start off with a matte because it’s less scary – I’m taking this all over the eye and really blending it upwards. 

“If you have hooded eyes, try to take it beyond the bone and towards the eyebrow. It’s going to feel weird but it honestly works. 

“Don’t stop in the crease of the eye – that will make you look more sunken in and sallow.

“The other thing I love to do, I’m taking a tiny bit of the same colour [eyeshadow], on a little brush, and use it as an eyeliner. But stop in the middle, so from the outer corner to the middle. 

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“Don’t do a harsh line under the eye, it’s a really old fashioned look and instantly ages you more. Opt for powder,” the makeup artist suggested. 

“I’m using a darker brown eyeliner pencil, I do think Fiona could get away with black. 

“You don’t have to be an expert, get it all onto the top of the eyelid, really blend it into the roots of the lashes, and if you do make a mistake, or have a problem with eyesight, take the smaller brush and smudge it in – it doesn’t matter. 

“Take a nude eyeliner pencil and pop it along the waterline, and this is going to make your eyes really bright.

“The last thing is this mascara, it’s brilliant for fair, short lashes and it gives you like a false lash effect.” 

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this morning makeup transformation

Fiona before (left) and after (right) her transformation (Image: ITV THIS MORNING)

Moving on, Bryony said: “Now lips, everyone is trying to make their lips bold with a horrendous dark brown and pinky shimmer – it’s all about blending. 

“Just one thing you need to change if you’re going to line your lips; instead of going from the middle [the cupid’s bow] downwards [the outer corner], start in the corner of your lips. 

“If you start in the middle and go toward the corner, you’re shortening the lip and not following the line, it’s hard to get an overline. 

“Going from the corner and upwards into the middle, you naturally will slightly overline the lip, and really blend the lip line. It makes the lips a little bit rounder and makes such a difference. 

“Now I’m going to go in with Revlon sugary, shimmer lipstick – use something moisturising, and you can use a gloss.” 

The products Bryony recommends: 

Morphe 9R Bronze Metal Artistry Palette, £13, Boots 

Eyeliner brighten & Define eyeliner duo, £16, 

Lottie Super Fake Mascara, £6.95,

NYX Professional Makeup Longwear Line Loud Matte Lip Liner, £4, Sephora 

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick, £7.49, Boots 

Project Lip Plump and Fill Lip Liner, £15, Look Fantastic  

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