Makeup artist shares tips to ‘lift sagging skin’ for women 40+

How to look younger: Makeup artist shares tips to ‘lift sagging skin’ for women over 40 |

Applying makeup in a certain way and using particular products can create a more youthful appearance.

Makeup artist shows how to lift a mature face with cream products

As a woman gets older, makeup can have the opposite effect; instead of enhancing your features and making you look more youthful, the product can sit in lines and wrinkles, making them more obvious. Makeup artist Bryony Blake shared her top tips to “lift and sculpt” the skin.

Appearing on ITVs This Morning, Bryony said: “What I’m going to do is show you how to lift your complexion. and I’m going to show you the technique I like to use. 

“It’s all about placement of products; I’m going to go in straight away with concealer [and] I’m only going to use cream products. 

“Where you would normally go underneath the whole eye with concealer, I’m going to apply it in the inner corner as that always picks up a bit of darkness, then I’m going to go up here [from the outer corner of the eye up to the tail of the eyebrow]. 

“Everything needs to be going up towards your ear,” she commented.

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makeup this morning

How to look younger: Makeup artist shares tips to ‘lift sagging skin’ for women 40 (Image: ITV)

“Then I’m going to apply a little bit here [side of the nostril and sweep under the cheek] where we all find a little bit of sagging, and then around the mouth area.” Viewers saw Bryony apply concealer from the edge of the lip and across the lower cheek. 

“So drawing three lines, again, everything towards the ear,” she reminded. 

Bryony didn’t blend the concealer, instead, she applied a second product. 

“Then I’m going to go in with a cream bronzer, and I’m going to simply put this as a contour, but I’m going to put it a little bit above the cheekbone, a lot of people suck in their cheeks [and apply a contour], but take it a little bit above [and] what it does it lifts the cheek and gives you a bit of colour,” the makeup artist explained. 

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“It’s really important to know the difference between contouring, which is sinking things in, and lifting. 

“Now, I’m going to blend it all. Get a stiff brush and I’m going to brush upwards and this will make everything look smoother.” 

Holly Willoughby said: “You’re putting it on quite fine, you don’t want to put too much on or it sits in there [wrinkles].” Bryony added: “You can always add but you can’t take off.” 

She moved on and said: “One place I always apply is under the jawline.

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itv this morning bryony makeup

Bryony suggests using cream products over powders (Image: ITV)

“The reason I’m using creamy products, as well, [they’re] way more flattering, you can always go over the top with powders if you want to. 

“I just urge people to try the placement of products as it really does lift the complexion. 

“Then we’re going to go in with a cream blusher – again, depending on your face shape, I would put mine further up to lift the face. But Faith [the volunteer] has got beautiful cheekbones, but I don’t want to make her look sallow, which is another thing people worry about as they get older. 

“Just smile for me, please? I’m going to put it on the apple of the cheek, and again, always think of blending it upwards to the ear. It just looks fresh and dewy.” 

Bryony recommended the following products to achieve the look: 

Maybelline Instant Anti Age Eraser Concealer £7.19, Look Fantastic 

Putty Bronzer, £6, Elf 

Maybelline Cheek Heat, £8.99, Superdrug 

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