Use Walgreens Express and get eligible prescriptions delivered to your door in 1-2 days. Text JoinRx to 21525 to sign up.
Message and data rates may apply.
Learn more about Walgreens COVID-19 services”, “datePosted”: “2020-09-23T8:00”, “expires”: “2020-10-23T8:00”, “newsUpdatesAndGuidelines”: “”, “category”: “” }, { “@context”: “”, “@type”: “SpecialAnnouncement”, “name”: “Same Day Delivery for Walgreens Products with Postmates”, “text”: “
Now you can order Walgreens items with Postmates and get same-day delivery. Whether you need grocery items, over-the-counter medicines, personal care items, beverages or snacks, Postmates x Walgreens will deliver convenience right to your home.Learn more about Walgreens COVID-19 services”, “datePosted”: “2020-09-23T8:00”, “expires”: “2020-10-23T8:00”, “newsUpdatesAndGuidelines”: “”, “category”: “” }, { “@context”: “”, “@type”: “SpecialAnnouncement”, “name”: “Telehealth Services at Walgreens Find Care”, “text”: “
Speak with medical professionals online from the comfort of your home. Walgreens Find Care virtually connects you to healthcare professionals in minutes. Telemedicine services are available based on your location and health condition. Select a reason for your visit and be connected with a doctor online through video, phone or live chat. Get started with our virtual healthcare services
Learn more about Walgreens COVID-19 services”, “datePosted”: “2020-09-23T8:00”, “expires”: “2020-10-23T8:00”, “newsUpdatesAndGuidelines”: “”, “category”: “” }, { “@context”: “”, “@type”: “SpecialAnnouncement”, “name”: “COVID-19 Testing at Walgreens”, “text”: “
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