Where to Find

Where to Find | RMS Beauty 0 ? true : false; theme.popup.image_link = ”; theme.popup.seconds_until = 3; theme.popup.page_content = ”; theme.popup.days_until = ‘7’; theme.settings.cart_type = ‘page’; theme.settings.hover_image_enabled = ‘true’ == ‘true’; theme.settings.quick_add = ‘false’ == ‘true’; theme.shop.money_format = “$ {{amount}}”; theme.shop.scroll_to_active_item = true; theme.translations.add_to_cart = ‘Add to Cart’; theme.translations.out_of_stock = ‘Out of stock’; theme.translations.sale = ‘Sale’; theme.translations.size_chart_label = ‘Size chart’; theme.translations.unavailable = ‘Unavailable’; theme.translations.low_in_stock = { one: ‘Only 1 item left’, other: ‘Only 2 items left’ }; theme.urls.all_products_collection = ‘/collections/all’; theme.urls.cart = ‘/cart’; theme.urls.cart_add = ‘/cart/add’; theme.urls.cart_change = ‘/cart/change’; theme.urls.product_recommendations = ‘/recommendations/products’; theme.urls.search = ‘/search’; theme.urls.shop = ‘https://www.rmsbeauty.com’; theme.urls.root = ”; // LazySizes window.lazySizesConfig = window.lazySizesConfig || {}; window.lazySizesConfig.expand = 1200; window.lazySizesConfig.loadMode = 3; window.lazySizesConfig.ricTimeout = 50; ]]> { theme.libraries[name] = ‘loaded’; if (callback) callback() } document.body.appendChild(script); } else if (callback && theme.libraries[name] === ‘loaded’) { callback(); } } ]]> Skip to main content

  • Loading locations… ]]>

{subgroup_item} ]]>

{group_name}’; var html = ”; var menuHtml = ”; opts.locations.forEach(function(location){ // Build the subgroup var subgroupsHtml = ”; location.subgroups.forEach(function(subgroup){ var subgroupHtml = subgroupTemplate; subgroupHtml = subgroupHtml.replace(/{group_tag}/g, location.group.tag); subgroupHtml = subgroupHtml.replace(/{subgroup_tag}/g, subgroup.tag); subgroupHtml = subgroupHtml.replace(/{subgroup_name}/g, subgroup.name); subgroupsHtml += subgroupHtml; }); // Build the group var groupAnchor = location.group.name.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/g, ‘-‘).replace(/-$/, ”).replace(/^-/, ”); var groupHtml = groupTemplate; groupHtml = groupHtml.replace(/{group_anchor}/g, groupAnchor); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace(/{group_tag}/g, location.group.tag); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace(/{group_name}/g, location.group.name); groupHtml = groupHtml.replace(/{subgroups}/g, subgroupsHtml); html += groupHtml; // Build the menu menuHtml += menuItemTemplate.replace(/{group_anchor}/g, groupAnchor).replace(/{group_name}/g, location.group.name); }); // Insert to DOM $container.append(html); $menuContainer.append(menuHtml); // Bind events $(opts.selectors.subgroupHeading).on(‘click’, function(event){ var groupTag = $(this).data(‘groupTag’); var subgroupTag = $(this).data(‘subgroupTag’); var $subgroupItems = $(this).siblings(opts.selectors.subgroupItems); var subgroupItemTemplate = $(opts.selectors.subgroupItemTemplate).html(); // Toggle visibility state $subgroupItems.toggleClass(opts.cssClasses.subgroupItemsActive); // Fetch the locations only once if (!$subgroupItems.hasClass(opts.cssClasses.subgroupItemsLoaded)) { var apiUrl = opts.apiEndpoint + ‘&tags[]=’ + encodeURI(subgroupTag.toLowerCase()); if (groupTag) $.get(apiUrl, {}, function(data){ console.log(‘[PLUG/LOCATOR] Payload: ‘, data); if (data.success) { console.log(‘[PLUG/LOCATOR] Locations:’, data.results.locations); $subgroupItems.addClass(opts.cssClasses.subgroupItemsLoaded); var itemsHtml = ”; data.results.locations.forEach(function(location){ console.log(‘[PLUG/LOCATOR] Location:’, location); var addressParts = location.streetaddress.split(‘, ‘); var addressHtml = ” + location.name + ‘
‘; if (addressParts[addressParts.length-1] === ‘United States’) { addressHtml += addressParts[0] + ‘
‘; addressHtml += addressParts[1] + ‘, ‘ + addressParts[2] + ‘
‘; addressHtml += addressParts[3] + ‘
‘; } else { addressHtml += location.streetaddress.replace(/, /g, ‘
‘) + ‘
‘; } addressHtml += location.phone; itemsHtml += subgroupItemTemplate.replace(/{subgroup_item}/g, addressHtml); }); $subgroupItems.empty().html(itemsHtml); } else { $subgroupItems.find(opts.selectors.subgroupItemsLoading).text(‘No locations found.’); } }); } }); })(jQuery, window.theme.locator, window, document); var scroll = new SmoothScroll(‘a[href*=”#”]’); ]]>

*select assortment

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{ target.insertBefore(WishlistKing.createComponent(“wishlist-link”)); } ); // Wishlist button on product page WishlistKing.observe( { selector: “form[action=’/cart/add’] .product-buy-buttons–primary”, template: “product”, }, (target) => { target.append( WishlistKing.createComponent(“wishlist-button”, { id: “”, }) ); } ); // Wishlist button on collection page WishlistKing.observe( { selector: “[data-product-id]”, template: “collection”, }, (target) => { target.append( WishlistKing.createComponent(“wishlist-button-floating”, { id: target.container.getAttribute(“data-product-id”), }) ); } ); // Wishlist page WishlistKing.observe( { selector: “[data-item=’rte-content’]”, template: “wishlist”, }, (target) => { target.insertAfter(WishlistKing.createComponent(“wishlist-page”)); } ); // Shared wishlist page WishlistKing.observe( { selector: “[data-item=’rte-content’]”, template: “shared-wishlist”, }, (target) => { target.insertAfter(WishlistKing.createComponent(“wishlist-page-shared”)); } ); ]]>

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